Monday, October 8, 2012

 I don't ever want to forget the funny things my babies say.  Unfortunately, I have a really bad memory and a worse case of not writing things down (anywhere I might find them again, anyway).  I am excited to have this blog now so that I can record things during nap time. 
  It is hunting season right now and my husband and I were remembering something Angel said a couple of years ago that made an impression.  We were all in the car and my sweet baby was jabbering on as they do.  Out of nowhere come the words, "butt crack".  I remember being mortified that my little boy knew these words and also annoyed that my older two were now very interested in what little brother was going on about.  Then we all heard him very clearly say, "hunting".  The "Ahhhh" moment came.  I put it together very quickly for everyone that he was saying, "buck rack".  As in the buck's antlers (what my husband calls them, more specifically).
  Another word that Angel has made "his" is the word: foopy.  He made this up himself and has the rights to use it in whatever context he feels like apparently.  We still like to hear him say it.  No real story to go with, just a cute kid word.

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